Well, I had a little "herbal" medicine laying around so I decided to make a version of my own. OMG! Fucking delicious! I remember thinking to myself, "Man, this is gonna be a waste." Worth it. Try it. You'll love it.
Not sure of all measurements so just experiment. I used:
10 dried white clover flowers(picked from my yard)
4 dried mint leaves
2 grams "herb"(crush stems/seeds and add with)
1 gram chamomile(used half a teabag from commercial herbal tea)
When you open the chamomile bag, do it carefully and save bag. Grind ingredients finely then put them back in the teabag. Staple close and make sure string is reattached. Steep in boiling water(enough for 2 good size mugs) for about 20 min.
Pour into mugs evenly then start flavoring. You can choose what you like except for the milk/cream. I used:
2 tsp Brown sugar
1 tsp Regular Sugar
Very small amount of vanilla extract(1/4 tsp per mug)
1/4 cup milk/cream
1 tsp of cocoa per mug(very optional)
It won't get you "fucked up", but it's really relaxing after a long cold day. Have fun kids.
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